Redefine the marketplace

Building a high-flying brand


Services we provided:

  • Earned Media

  • Strategic Communications

  • Executive Communications

In 2019, as cannabis legalization efforts were rapidly occurring around the globe, the appetite for accurate information was at an all-time high. There was a unique window of opportunity for Leafly to position itself as the most trusted and comprehensive source of cannabis information for both enthusiasts and novices, while also establishing itself as a leader on customer safety, compliance, and social justice in the industry. BPI worked with Leafly to develop and execute a comprehensive earned, owned, and paid communications strategy that highlights the brand’s expertise in the marketplace, as well as their work on social justice and equity in the industry.

We leveraged high-level messaging to position Leafly as an innovator, leading the industry in products, data, and action, and helped them stand out in a competitive field. With a new CEO, we’re building out an executive platform that leverages her policy background and further positions Leafly as the go-to industry resource leading the way forward in a new era of cannabis.

Spreading the Love of Cannabis | Spring 2022
